The Volunteer Intersection

When it comes to the work of recruiting and leading people there is a sacred intersection which we must navigate.  It is a convergence of 2 (often times competing) realities we experience as leaders.

Each of these realities is important in its own way. Each involves nuances and complexities more numerous than you can count.

You and I lead at the intersection of:

  1. The uniqueness of the individual - every person has their own blend of passion, wiring and gifting; created to be expressed in a unique way.

  2. The practical needs of the team - the real world pressure, roles and needs that exist within our organization.

Our role as recruiters, pastors or leaders is to help individuals find their sacred intersection. 

We have the opportunity and responsibility to help people engage and participate in such a way where their uniqueness can meet and address practical needs that exist.

In a pinch we can sometimes forget (or ignore) the uniqueness of each person for the sake of solving our felt pressure.  Practical pressure is a real thing.  Stuff has to get done and under pressure we can become hammers and make everyone around us a nail.

We have the opportunity to do so much more than simply accomplish a series of tasks. We have the ability to help people discover and engage in that which they were created for.  You and I have the chance to help people both discover their unique contribution to the world and find ways to express it.

Avoid living for a lessor dream.  Do not allow pressure to shortcut you from the opportunity in front of you.  Leverage your role in the lives of those you lead as a chance to help people find their highest and best contribution to their community.

By doing this you help your team succeed, and create a context for the people you lead to flourish in what they do.


You are only as strong as your follow up game


How to Build Trust